CPSD Board Policy
Board policies are contained on the CPSD website: https://app.eduportal.com/public/folders/list/86390/1107572
There's even a policy dealing with policy. Policy 1301 states:
The primary responsibility of the board of directors is to establish policy to guide the educational and support operations of the school district. Through board policy, the expressed intent for goals, priorities, parameters, and guidelines is communicated to administrators.
Despite this policy the Board and District often ignores policy, violates policy, fails to update policy, and attempts to shirk its responsibility for developing and updating policy. As a few examples of many:
Policy 1225 governs the duties of the Board’s “Legislative Representative” which have largely been ignored to the District’s detriment.
Policy 2005 requires the School Annual Action Plan be reviewed and approved yet these plans have been included in the “consent agenda” with no Board review.
Policy 1301 hasn’t been updated in over 10 years when the standard is 5 years. There are many other policies needing update.
The Board is attempting to pay the Washington State School District Administrators (WSSDA) $10,000 to do the job for them when it’s the Board’s responsibility.
The Board and District’s failure to follow their own policies puts the entire educational system at risk since the rules either change from day to day or are not enforced.