Formed as a 501C4 corporation in 2000 to deal with an unresponsive City Council
Re-energized in 2021 to deal with an unresponsive Clover Park School District Board
Non-partisan research and development organization for educational issues
A "launch pad" for non-partisan conservative candidates
An expert in the conduct of election compaigns
We are a community think tank.
Your neighbors
A unique collection of individual capabilities
Greater than just the sum of its parts
A"mega brain"
Military service: 111+ years
Overseas service: 30+ years
Volunteer service: 169+ years
Advanced education: 1 Associate, 8 Baccalaureate and 3 Masters
Teaching experience: 42+ years
Business experience: 132+ years
Fields of expertise: audiology, speech, early childhood education, behavioral science, systems analysis, business administration and management, aeronautics, architecture, engineering, history, military operations planning and intelligence, real estate sales and investing, financial planning, construction contracting
Children attended/attending CPSD: 14+ years
Elected positions: 45+ years
Advisory board positions: 21+ years