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Community Concerns

“(CPSD is) too busy being busy to focus on anything meaningful enough to make a positive difference, taxing and borrowing to fuel their machine. Success over time is derived from economy of motion and efficiency, not volume of energy.”

Suburban Times 1/24/23

Lakewood CARES & Community Concerns

  • “This systemic failure has been progressively getting worse for years. If the district was doing a good job, the OSPI report card would speak for itself as fruits of those labors. Sadly, it is telling an entirely different story.”  Suburban Times 3/18/22

  • “The Clover Park School Board has a major challenge facing them in addressing the problem of poor academic performance and exploring new ways to overcome deficits. Clearly, the “way things have always been done” is not the answer.”  Suburban Times 3/17/22

  • “We hear that “Zero Tolerance” should be done away with to support what is referred to as equity. My only acceptable definition of the term equity is “the quality of being fair and impartial”. For me equity has nothing to do with race, or color.”  Suburban Times 1/20/22

  • “If leadership was listening, they would not have waited until the last possible minute to notify the Lakewood community about this issue. This is NOT leadership that listens and I strongly believe it is leadership that already made a decision.”  Suburban Times 12/10/21

  • “Another example of the District already having made a decision before input is requested.  Unfortunately, I, along with a growing number of community members and alumni, find that  philosophy flawed.” Suburban Times 11/29/21

  • “Time to shake things up and make the system finally work so other students feel fulfillment by going to CPSD school to actually learn useful subjects rather than just show up and waste time or no shows at all.”  Suburban Times 10/22/21

  • “The current policies of Clover Park Schools are the “brainwashing” problem. The poor education and “dumbing” of curriculum is at fault.”  Suburban Times 10/15/21

  • “I urge you to look up “critical theory in praxis” then come acting like you know a thing or two.  It really is dishonest to be going around floating the naive fantasy that it’s only taught in law  school.”  Suburban Times 10/4/21

  • “It amazes me that during Covid, with declining graduation rates, declining test scores, elevating suicide rates and crime….the district chose to focus on passing this equity policy.”  Suburban Times 7/6/21

  • “I also do not understand why the district repeatedly has important meetings and presentations at 5 pm when many parents may not be able to participate. Or is it planned that way so they can say they asked for parental input?”  Suburban Times 6/3/21


Lakewood CARES - A Community Service Organization


C = Citizens... Your Neighbors

A = Accountability... For Government Spending

R = Responsibility... For Government Actions

E = Education... Public Knowledge of Issues

S = Service... Serving the Public Need

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